Unperturbed by legislation which made it illegal to use the pear to mock or ridicule the king, artists continued to use the image as a symbol of political resistance against the Orléanist Regime and against authority in general. Shown here is a hand-colored lithograph by Bouquet, a regular contributor to the journal. The artist depicts Louis-Philippe as a pear with two of his ministers, d’Agoult and Barthe.
This print was taken from Philipon’s L’ association pour la liberte de la presse, also known as L’association mensuelle lithographique. For an additional cost per month, members received the “lithographie mensuelle” folded into their copy of the last Thursday of the month of La Caricature. These lithographs were larger and more polished than those in La Caricature. L’association mensuelle lithographique was created by Philipon in order to raise additional funds, possibly to help defray the legal fees and fines incurred by the journal.
Gift of Lessing J. Rosenwald 58-875
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